Tag Archives: Constitution
How Many More Patriots Must Die Bearing Dreams Deferred?

What happens to a dream deferred? Does it dry up like a raisin in the sun? Or fester like a sore– And then run? Does it stink like rotten meat? Or crust and sugar over– like a syrupy sweet? Maybe … read more
Posted in Community
Tagged Constitution, St. Croix, St. Thomas
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A Constitution for the Virgin Islands

It has come to my attention that some may not know the role of a constitution and why it is important. And, that’s not our fault…but we live in a culture that has detached itself from the American Constitution. So, … read more
Do the Virgin Islands Deserve a Constitution?

Ok…I was frustrated before, and those frustrations keep mounting. I just read an article in the St. Thomas Source about the Virgin Islands Constitutional Convention and their deliberations over public education. You can read the article. In this article, the … read more
Posted in Foundational
Tagged Christensen, Constitution
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